Growing and Sowing Rocket

Growing rocket yourself is actually very easy to do and can be done almost all year round. From March to October. From October you can still grow it perfectly in a greenhouse. Rocket has a deliciously nutty taste. The taste of home-grown rocket is slightly stronger than the rocket you buy in the supermarket. It’s also a bit more tender and tasty and it hasn’t been in the 'gas' that they put in the bag to keep the rocket fresh.
Sowing rocket
Sowing rocket is not that difficult. The easiest way is to sow the seeds in rows. (tip : do not sow the whole bag at once.) Rocket often comes up simultaneously and you cannot eat all rocket at once. After a few weeks, the rocket shoots through and gets beautiful yellow flowers. When the rocket is flowering the taste will be no longer tasty and the leaves will be dry. Rocket grows in all soil types.
When to sow rocket?
You can start sowing rocket from March. It can actually be done almost all year round. The advice is to sow the rocket in March-April-May and in the autumn from September-October. Plant the rocket in a sunny spot. Rocket likes half sun / half shade. (tip : After the seeds have germinated indoors, it is best to let the rocket continue to grow outside. If it is too hot for the rocket, they will grow quickly, but will not produce much leaves. )
When to harvest rocket?
Rocket grows fast, it’s even one of the fastest 'vegetable' types. From sowing to harvest takes about 5 weeks, but in the summer it is even possible that the rocket can be harvested after 3 to 4 weeks. When the plants are about 10 cm high, you can start harvesting the rocket. So it depends a bit on the temperature and sun hours.
Sowing rocket in a greenhouse
It is certainly possible to sow rocket in a greenhouse. This works very well in early spring and in late autumn. The reason for this is because it is not yet too hot in the greenhouse. A greenhouse is also a very good place for the germination process of the rocket seeds. After germination you can plant out the seeds to continue growing outside. It is possible to grow rocket all winter long In a greenhouse (little bit depending on the weather of course).
Growing rocket in the garden
Rocket can be sown directly in the garden. Sow a few seeds in the same spot. It is wise to loosen the earth first or what might even work better is to mix the earth a bit with sand. Make rows with your finger or with a shovel with at least 15 cm between the rows. The rocket seeds do not need to be sown deeply. After sowing, just cover it with a thin layer of soil. Then water it well, so that the seeds can start the germination process . As described earlier, the advice is not to sow the entire bag at once (8000 seeds in a bag of wild rocket is a bit much).
Growing rocket in a pot
Growing rocket in a pot is possible. Don't forget to add regularly new soil ( nutrition). And of course give the rocket enough water to grow.
Sowing rocket step by step
- Buy the right seeds. There are often 2 or 3 types of rocket (also a choice between organic and regular).
- Make with a shovel small gullies, you can also use your fingers. (about 1.5cm to 2cm)
- Make sure the soil is well loosened
- Do not sow the seeds too close together, keep about 15 cm between the rows
- Do not sow all the seeds at once
- After sowing, you can cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil
- Water the seeds well
- Water regularly
- After a while ( about 2 weeks) you will see the first plants
- When the rocket is about 10 to 15 cm high, you can pick it and eat it
- Sow new rocket every 2 weeks, so you will have fresh rocket over a long period of time
Tips for sowing rocket
- Do not sow the rocket seeds too close together
- Do not sow too many seeds at once
- Make sure the soil is loose, mixed with sand
- Harvest the plants when they are about 10cm
- Do not store the fresh plants for too long
- Enjoy
Is rocket healthy?
Rocket is said to increase potency. Rocket has a high vitamin C content, but also a high nitrate content, more than 5 grams per kilo and should therefore not be eaten in large quantities. The recommended maximum nitrate intake for someone weighing 70 kg should not exceed 260 mg per day, which is already achieved with 19 grams of rocket.
In short, rocket is easy to grow, tasty and healthy in moderation.