Growing and Sowing Tomatoes

Botanically, tomatoes belong to fruits, but they are often found in the vegetable section. Tomatoes can be grown in several ways; in a greenhouse, outdoors or in pots. There are many varieties, such as cherry, flesh, plum and vine tomatoes. Some are especially suitable for growing outdoors or in pots. There are also many different shapes and colours. Of course, the ‘normal’ red tomatoes, but there are also, for instance, yellow, black, green and striped varieties.

Growing your own tomatoes from seeds

Tomatoes belong to the nightshade family and are perhaps the most commonly grown vegetable in the vegetable garden. The plant itself is poisonous, but the fruits are not. They are not difficult to grow, but there are some important things to consider. Weather, in particular, is an important factor, as tomatoes need sunshine to ripen. But the flavour of homegrown tomatoes is so much better than those from the supermarket. Nothing tastes better than a homegrown, freshly picked tomato.

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Sowing and planting tomatoes

Tomatoes are often grown in a greenhouse, but there are also varieties that are suitable for growing in open ground or in containers. However, most species do not like water on the plant, so some kind of rain shelter is recommended. If you grow them in pots, you could bring them indoors during rain. To successfully grow tomatoes, it is important to start sowing indoors early.

It is best to start sowing tomato plants indoors, from March onwards. The plants need a lot of light for a long time. If you sow too early, the days are not yet long enough, there is a chance that they will become long and spindly. If you want to sow earlier, you can use a grow light,. It is not necessary, tomato plants grow quickly. After a while the plants should be repotted into larger pots. Transplanting outdoors can be done from mid-May. Keep the temperature in mind. If it's still relatively cold outside, plant out later. Let the plants harden off for a while. This means that you let them get used to the lower temperature by putting them outside for a while, in a sunny spot.

Position and soil

Tomatoes love sun. A sunny spot is therefore an absolute must. They grow best when they get at least 6 hours of sun per day. In addition, tomato plants need a lot of heat. If you want to grow them outdoors, make sure you have a wind-sheltered spot. The soil must be warm, airy and well-permeable. Tomato plants don't like to have ‘wet feet’. The soil must be calcareous.

How to care of your tomato plants?

It is important to plant out tomatoes in as sunny a spot as possible. This can be in the greenhouse, for some varieties in the open ground or a flower pot. It is also important to ensure good support during growth. There are special tomato spirals for this. Place these in the soil first and then the tomato plant, to avoid damaging the roots.

Tomatoes are very susceptible to leaf mould. Therefore, water moderately and only on the soil around the plant, not on the leaves. Do not water too much, especially if the plant has fruits. This may cause them to burst open. Removing the lower leaves and excess leaves can also help prevent mould. Moreover, the tomatoes on the plant get more sunlight, so they ripen faster. Prune only indeterminate varieties as they grow on all season. The determinate tomato plants, also called bush tomatoes, will stop growing.

To encourage the indeterminate varieties to concentrate its energy on developing fruits, it is also important to pinch of the small shoots that form in the V-shaped space between the side and main stem.

When and how to harvest tomatoes?

Usually, harvesting can be done from August onwards. The tomato should have a good colour and no longer be hard. Be careful when removing the fruit to avoid damage to the plant. Preferably harvest with the calyx, so the tomato will keep longer. If they are picked unripe, put them on the windowsill until they are ripe. From late September, when the days get shorter and colder, the plants die. The last tomatoes can then be harvested to ripen on the windowsill as well.

How to preserve tomatoes

It is best to store tomatoes in a cool place. Preferably not in the fridge, this is too cold and will reduce the taste. Tomatoes can also be dried and stored in oil afterwards. Of course, you can also make soup or sauce from tomatoes, for example, which can then be frozen or preserved. Or try making tomato jam or chutney.

Are tomatoes healthy?

Tomatoes contain many healthy nutrients and are very healthy. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Furthermore, they contain many antioxidants that help protect your body against numerous diseases.

Tomato seeds in our collection

In our range, we have many different tomato varieties. These can be classified in different ways, for instance by colour, flavour or growing method. To make your search a little easier, we have divided them into categories. This categorisation is based on the size of the tomatoes There is also a category of balcony and terrace tomatoes for those who want to grow tomatoes in containers:

  • Cherry tomatoes.
  • Cocktail and vine tomatoes.
  • Roma tomatoes.
  • Beef tomatoes.
  • Balcony and patio tomatoes

Tips to grow tomatoes

Check plants regularly for tomato blight (Phytophthora Infectans) to prevent its rapid spread. The disease can be recognised by greyish and brown spots on the leaves. Remove these leaves immediately. If you don't do this, the whole plant, other plants and tomatoes, will be affected.

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